And you don't reason with it, you just buy it, because the animation and those thinking scenes that show you close-ups, show you what he's really thinking, just sell the idea that he's concerned about the kid and is going to help him.
هياللنومهياللنومهياللنوم يا ايها الولد
[Children talking and laughing]
الآن هياللنوم
[rhythmic animal chants]
ولآخر مرة هياللنوم
Come to sleep, Uncle Waldo! Oh, yes, I think we'd better be going.
هياللنوم، ياعم... والدو
And the whole dilemma for the rest of the movie is set up in these first moments, with the interactions of these characters.
الآن هياللنوم
He could eat the kid. But the way he found that little baby, his sympathy goes out.